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charleyfarley 12:26 Sun Jun 5
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
just watching the doc on bbc1 excellent stuff

Northern Sold 12:04 Sun Jun 5
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Tyson loved to get in close... also 90% of his fights were over before they even entered the ring... Ali went up against two of the nastiest biggest hitting freaks in Liston and Foreman... both at the time were said to be unbeatable... people close to Ali feared for his life before both these fights... the press... fight fans... no one gave him a chance... the rest is history

Crassus 11:01 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
The eternal debate - Colin Hart said Ali by knock out, having driven him wild in the pre fight and encouraging him on,
Ali's reach and movement beats him comprehensively

Can't argue with that

Far Cough 10:49 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Tyson likes to get in close, Ali would have picked him off from a distance

Takashi Miike 10:47 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
no, both at their best Ali would have knocked him out. Frazier & Foreman were tougher than Tyson

bruuuno 10:44 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Could Tyson have beat Ali though?

Thunderlips 10:42 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
What Mace said.

Ali was exceptional but Tyson at his peak was unstoppable.

Mace66 10:29 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Wouldn't say he was the greatest fighter as he lost too many times and wasn't seen as an unbeatable like Marciano or Tyson. But definitely one of the greatest entertainers.

As for Vietnam, I always thought he had a bit of a shocker there and his refusal to comment ( especially for somebody so vociferous) makes me wonder if he thought the same.

That's just my opinion though and the world is worse for his demise.


Crassus 10:10 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)

I am afraid that you are wrong on Ali, or at least applying modern day thinking to a time that was not

I studied the Vietnam War and associated politics extensively when younger, the ratio of casualties, front line combatants and those subject to the draught were utterly inconsistent with the national demographic - no points for guessing who was on the receiving end of what in truth constituted an internal ethnic cleansing

As a fighting man, I am not shocked that coupled with his profile and global adoration, that he chose to outrage an unjust domestic society

As a fighter he moved like a middleweight, had the combinations of a lightweight, the power of a light heavy, the chin of a rhino, the heart of Achilles and the strategy of Alexander.

He was unique, a persona beyond compare and an individual that arrives once every 200 years

Identify his flaws if you wish, I prefer to feel a sense of privelege that I in part lived in a time that he did

WHOicidal Maniac 9:52 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Been doing a bit of digging about this racism business and he did say:

"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."

Far Cough 9:47 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Muhammad McAli?

roltrader 9:47 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Reply mentor 6:51 Sat Jun 4

...In a famous interview with Parkinson he expressed similar views to you about race mentor.

WHOicidal Maniac 9:44 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
His G.G. Grandad I think.

I was hoping that would stay quiet to spare him from further prejudice from you know who... :)

Far Cough 9:32 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Didn't know Ali had some Irish descendants?

Ridikzappa 9:25 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Superstitious victims of mass religion

stirlinghammer 8:04 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
The Nation of Islam promoted a much more militant reaction compared to the mainstream black civil rights movement.

Like Malcolm x, Ali had a completely different view after performing hajj, converting to mainstream Sunni Islam. Ali regretted his snub to x as x actually left the Nation of Islam first.

Northern Sold 7:43 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Great piece from Jeff Powell (who wrote the Mooro autobiography)


WHOicidal Maniac 7:18 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Northern Sold 7:08 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)

Absolutely, and when you realise that the US police force was created out of the Slave Patrols its no wonder that that demographic of people hate the Authority and the working class white guy who did all the grunt work for 'The Man'

joe royal 7:14 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Is this a good time

No forget it

Northern Sold 7:08 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Eddie B 6:43 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Wasn't he also quite racist though? He advocated that different races should never have kids together.

Imagine if whitey etc

Yeah well obviously Edd you never lived in 1950-60's Louisville .... common place negroes getting lynched.... can you imagine representing your beloved country in the Olympics ... winning a gold medal for your country... then returning and being told you could not eat in a diner because you had a different coloured skin... yeah he went over the top with some of his the white man is a devil quotes but to be honest can you really blame him??

Northern Sold 7:04 Sat Jun 4
Re: Ali in hospital (RiP)
Glad I am not the only one...

"The greatest Ali ever was as a fighter was against [Cleveland] Williams. That night, he was the most devastating fighter who ever lived." Legendary American commentator Howard Cosell on Ali's demolition of Williams in 1966

"I don't call him the best boxer of all time, but he's the greatest human being I ever met." George Foreman

Enough for me...

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